Hello Friends! I have not been very diligent about updating this part of my website and I know I’m due for a roundup of all the exciting things that have happened since What We Fed To The Manticore was published in September. But I do want to share the exciting news that my debut has been longlisted for the 2023 Aspen Words Literary Prize! I am so proud to be included among such accomplished and impressive writers and I’m really thrilled to see some of my fellow debuts on this list. Writing a book is an act of bravery in so many ways. We don’t always know if anyone will read our work, or how they will feel about it, and so many wonderful writers are not able to reach the readers that will appreciate them the most. So, it’s both lucky and overwhelming to see that my collection has had so many opportunities to find its way to people.
The Aspen Words prize is really lovely because it seeks to recognize “an influential work of fiction that illuminates a vital contemporary issue and demonstrates the transformative power of literature on thought and culture.”
If you would like to learn more about the Aspen Institute, the history of the prize, or the other books on the longlist, head over to the link here!
Congratulations to all everyone on the longlist!